Evaluation and Performance of Integrated Crop Management in Chilli in Rainfed Tracts of Prakasam District, Andhra Pradesh, India

M. Siva *

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Darsi, India.

N. V. V. S. Durga Prasad

Agricultural Research Station, Darsi, India.

L. Rajesh Chowdary

Agricultural Research Station, Darsi, India.

M. Jahnavi

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Darsi, India.

M. Usha

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Darsi, India.

T. V. Reddy

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Darsi, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Chilli is an important high value spice crop, its integrated crop management is an important area for the welfare andlivelihood security of farmers. Most of the farmers of Prakasam district of Andhra Pradesh are growing wide varieties and cultivars of chilli but so far the research findings on chilli integrated crop management were less aware. To know the yield potential of integrated crop management and its economic impact, evaluation on integrated crop management was conducted at Chandhaluru and Nallaguntla Guedm villages. The adopted package of practices was seed rate @1kg/ha, spacing 60x45cm, FYM 15t/ha, Urea, single super and muriate of potash256:150:80 kg/acre. There was wide variation between integrated crop management and farmers practice in fruit yield and economic returns. The results on yield and economic returns indicated that chilli integrated crop management was found superior to farmers practice. Integrated crop management could obtain 124 fruits per plant and yield of 47.00q/ha, thirps incidence (24.3%), whitefly incidence (9.67 %) and fruit rot infestation (6.0%). Whereas,in farmers practicefruits obtained were99per plant and yield of 43.00q/ha, thripsincidence (44.67 %),whiteflyincidence (28.33) and fruit rot(18 %)  with a net income of Rs220000/- and B:C ratio 1: 1.88 compared to farmers practice with a net income of Rs113333/-with B:C ratio 1:1.36. The integrated crop management percent yield increased over farmers practices8.5 per cent. It was concluded that integrated crop management could help to improve the economy of the farmers.

Keywords: Chilli, cost benefit, integrated crop management, net income, yield

How to Cite

Siva , M., Prasad , N. V. V. S. D., Chowdary , L. R., Jahnavi , M., Usha , M., & Reddy , T. V. (2023). Evaluation and Performance of Integrated Crop Management in Chilli in Rainfed Tracts of Prakasam District, Andhra Pradesh, India. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change, 13(10), 4423–4426. https://doi.org/10.9734/ijecc/2023/v13i103119


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