Avipox: Morphology, Host Spectrum, Epidemiology, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Prevention and Treatment

Siddique, Shifa and Shankarishan, Priyanka and Habibi, Munquad (2023) Avipox: Morphology, Host Spectrum, Epidemiology, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Prevention and Treatment. UTTAR PRADESH JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY, 44 (22). pp. 218-228. ISSN 0256-971X

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Avian pox is an infectious, slow-spreading, highly contagious viral disease that has been reported in numerous number of species of birds. These affect domesticated and free-ranging birds, resulting in economic losses in the poultry industry. They are thought to be highly host-specific but certain factors have changed this specificity pattern. In recent times, the emergence of avian pox infection has drastically increased involving new species as well. Infection is commonly observed in anatomical locations where feathers are absent, such as the toes, legs, or head, as well as in the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and upper respiratory tract. Quails and hawks are usually unaffected, but chickens, turkeys, canaries, and pigeons are highly susceptible to infection. While death can occur in severely affected birds, the disease more commonly results in weight loss, stunted growth, and decreased egg production. It is interesting to observe that the ailment was initially recorded in feathered creatures in the seventeenth century. In our review, we conducted a comprehensive literature search to collect relevant data. This search was primarily carried out using reputable academic databases, including PubMed and Google Scholar. The specific search terms and keywords employed in these databases are Avipox and Fowl pox. Additionally, the references have been precisely cited to ensure transparency and provide readers with access to the sources used in our study. This article contains all the details of the Avipox virus-like morphology, host, prevention, and treatment

Item Type: Article
Subjects: STM Repository > Biological Science
Depositing User: Managing Editor
Date Deposited: 06 Nov 2023 12:31
Last Modified: 06 Nov 2023 12:31
URI: http://classical.goforpromo.com/id/eprint/4552

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