Managing Marigold Insect Pests: Effective Control Strategies

Awasthi, Prakash (2024) Managing Marigold Insect Pests: Effective Control Strategies. Asian Journal of Research in Biosciences, 6 (2). pp. 125-130.

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Marigolds (Tagetes spp.) are well-liked ornamental plants that have a variety of uses in the landscape and colorful blooms. They are, however, prone to a variety of insect pests that can harm their development and appearance. This study's main objective is to evaluate integrated pest management (IPM) strategies that reduce the usage of chemical pesticides and support environmentally friendly pest management. A comprehensive pest management strategy must include cultural practices including crop rotation, trap cropping, and maintaining garden hygiene. Utilizing advantageous insects like parasitoids and predators aids in biological control and lessens the need for chemical treatments. Furthermore, we assess the use of natural therapies like neem oil and Bacillus thuringiensis as secure and sustainable substitutes for conventional pesticides. For these therapies to be effective, time and accuracy are essential. The need for routine inspection and early insect infestation detection is also emphasized in this abstract to protect marigold plants from severe harm. Successful and long-lasting marigold pest management can be achieved by putting a combination of these techniques into practice that is customized to the particular pest pressures in a given setting. A comprehensive and diversified strategy is needed to control insect pests in the marigold growth process. Growers can enjoy healthy, bright marigold displays while minimizing the environmental impact of pest management procedures by integrating a variety of control strategies and giving ecologically friendly techniques priority.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: STM Repository > Biological Science
Depositing User: Managing Editor
Date Deposited: 23 May 2024 11:28
Last Modified: 23 May 2024 11:28

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